Tag Archives: injury

dream a healing solution

24 Nov

[read time: 2 minutes]

before i went to sleep last night, i prayed to dream of a healing solution for my shoulder…

i got the inspiration to dream a solution from a discussion i had with my awesome roommate, who mentioned Asclepions, centers dedicated to the god of healing, Asclepius, and designed for dream healing pilgrimages.

interestingly, i woke up with Continue reading

save-my-shoulder yoga flow

23 Nov

i woke up with the most beautiful no-chaturanga flow in my head this morning. so flowy. so juicy. so good.

my shoulder plus ouch

last night, i went to sleep with a very hurty shoulder.  when i woke up, it was even more hurty, even though i had tried to sleep carefully.

it’s been going on for about 3 weeks; i jammed it while lifting my heavy steel bike up some stairs. blegh!

until today, i had been doing ardha chaturangas and down dogs, but when i woke up, my shoulder was like, hells-to-the-no!

so i listened to my body… and to this flow that woke me up. and went outside on the front lawn to practice next to the water, under a blue sky with seagulls coasting in the breeze.

and here, i’ll share it with you Continue reading