Archive | September, 2010

tazima’s top five mistakes that undermine your income

29 Sep

[read time: 2 minutes]

Worry. Let me be clear:  I don’t mean “Don’t worry.”
Be Happy” because it doesn’t work that way.

What I do mean: worrying is a LOT harder than actually
committing to and doing a goal supporting action.

Going half-sies. You cannot be surprised by lackluster
results when you Continue reading

bi-coastal movement in october

29 Sep

[read time: 1 minute]

much to my own surprise, on the tail end of my summer trip to LA, i decided to take the big plunge and relocate out West.  it is a huge step for me since i’ve been an east coast renegade for the past 10  years.

september brought me back to DC to wrap up loose ends. and in october i’ll be off again (via the road trip of a lifetime) to continue sharing my yoga and coaching goodness with my growing West Coast yoga family.

it is with both excitement and sorrow that i teach my last few yoga classes and see my last few local coaching clients in DC and turn my focus toward new beginnings in LA.

even more than the miles of beautiful beaches and the ridiculous number of granola varieties, it is fantastically refreshing to experience real living in a place i get to choose.  as i told my monday lunchtime yoga class: i love LA and LA loves me, too.

big leap and gratitude

1 Sep

[read time: 1 minute]

whew!  i took a bold leap spent two months this summer in LA.  and i’m reflecting on my time now that i’m back in DC.

serendipitously, i was fortunate to stay with a fabulous fellow yoga teacher with a 10-year california-based practice.  she generously showed me the ropes and encouraged me along the way.  thank you so much Kaia!  and thanks to Zanne for the link!

with strong intentions and a lot of pavement pounding, i taught a three-part series of yoga classes at Agape International Spiritual Center and two workshops at Bhakti Yoga Shala.

finally, my heartfelt thanks to all those who…
helped me in large ways and small ways
bought my stuff on craigslist (thank goodness!)
encouraged me when i was worried
told/showed me where to get good eats in LA
listened to my tearful ramblings and laughed with me through the crying
cheered me on when i wanted to give up and celebrated with me when i achieved
responded to my infrequent newsletters and sent love and support across the miles